Friday, April 19, 2013

disclaimer:  I've never considered myself to be a "racially conscious" person.   Yet, obvious attempts to destroy Western Culture has changed my position.   So, I've pondered the question as to why Europeans are being targeted, and no one else.   This page's introduction gave a basic explanation of prevalent claims.   It all derives from a long, secret war being fought against Western Nations.   Back in 1923, A communist organization called The Frankfurt School lay plans of carrying out this destruction of Western Society.   They introduced an idea called Critical Theory which intended to accuse white men of all evils throughout history.  This is where the notion derives claiming that White Guys are responsible for all wars, slavery, racism, sexism, & Homophobia throughout history.

But, their true reasons are more simple.   Back then, communists were trying to create a world Empire by erasing all national identities.  But they realized that it was impossible to defeat our superior economy & constitutional doctrine.  SO, they simply planned to abuse us into oblivion.   And, to eventually replace our populations altogether.

Until this very day:  Western Society is under attack.  And the reasons are simple.   Just look to our music.   Ranging from Beethoven to Mozart.  The Beatles to E.L.O.   And, every wonder in between.   It is our artistic accomplishments which they despise.   Their hatred does not derive from any wrongdoing on our part.

Hopefully, this article has given new insight toward the matter.

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